If you want to learn more about personal loans from the legal point of view, please read some information we’ve gathered for you below. Note that we provide the data for guidance only and that legal information is subject to change. If you’d like to get the latest legal info, visit governmental websites and other relevant sources.
We encourage our users to check this section before they submit a request.
Are personal loans legal in the United States?
Personal loans are legal, indeed. However, every state has its own standards and regulations regarding online lending, that’s why it’s always a good thing to have a talk about personal loans with the authorities of your state or, at least, visit corresponding governmental websites.
Who can access a personal loan?
According to the US legislation, only residents of our country have the right to get a personal loan. They should be at least 18 years old to be eligible. You’ll also need to have a stable source of income. That means that you can use our website to get the funds you need if you’re an adult and a legal US resident with means of financially supporting yourself.
What is a loan agreement?
A loan agreement. This is the very document that makes things real and controlled by law. If one of the parties violates the provisions of the agreement, there will be legal consequences.
What makes a loan agreement finalized?
As soon as you e-sign a loan agreement, you can’t back away. In this case your e-signature confirms that you’ve agreed to all the terms, that’s why recommend that you think twice before e-signing something.
How do you manage personal data of your users?
We’ve established this Privacy Policy to cover this topic.
What are the rules of using your website?
Please take a look at our Terms to find out about them.
What can you tell me about rates and fees?
First, our website is totally free. Second, we have a special section, Rates and Fees, to cast a little light upon the matter.